Monday, March 22, 2010


It's true, my name is Meredith and I'm addicted to chocolate. No really, it's a problem.
I haven't gone one day without chocolate in . . . . i don't even know how long it's been, but I would say at least 6 months. So I've taken matters into my own hands. It's time to break the addiction, . . . .therefore I've decided to ban ALL desserts until June 22. I've made it 14 whole days so far and let me tell you . . . it's NOT FUN!! I miss my sweet, gooey, rich, decadent friend. I'll see you in 3 more months.


laurice. said...

Good for you. That's so hard!

perkiwindy said...

I need to ban soda...too bad Dan works for Pepsi. I like blaming it on him, it makes it alot easier to accept my addiction. :) Good Job Merdie!

BarbaraJo said...

Maybe I'll try that in about 7 months! You're my hero!

tvmom said...

you are much stronger than me!

Rachelle Vernon Jones said...

um, does this mean NO BLIZZARDS tomm? what is an EP trip without our blizzards? o no!!

Jarmeg Family said...

you are definitely stronger than me, i've tried numerous times but only last a day or two!

laurice. said...

awww...your so sweet. I love your blog also. My blog doesn't show when I post because it's private. bummer.

Ashley said...

Mmmmmmm... my mouth waters every time I visit your page. That chocolate cakes looks DELICIOUS. Wow, you have some major will power. I can't go a day without sugar!

Trisha said...

What were you thinking???!!
I admire your committment. I'll have to try it sometime. Maybe in another life! Let us know how it all turns out. I imagine one would drop a few pounds that's for sure.

Marisa Hodges said...

I am with you Meredith! I think its been about a week for me. i have done the no dessert thing too. It is Hard but you are encouraging me! We can do this!!! haha! I have to admit that I haven't 100 percent ruled out chocolate I decided if i was about to die without it I could eat 1 square of 85% cocoa chocolate. just one a day. but that's just my back up plan i have only used it once!

Cathy said...

We must be two peas in a pod! Chocolate is my FAVORITE thing to eat too! I would never consider giving it up! I eat some sort of chocolate every day!!

Cathy said...

P.S. I didn´t know you had a blog for our book club! Cool, Meredith!
We need to get that going again! I thought it was such a neat thing!